Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

 Mobile Physio’s approach to treating Parkinson’s focuses on addressing various key areas that are commonly affected, including:  

  1. Balance: Parkinson’s can disrupt balance in numerous ways, such as causing a backwards lean with trouble standing up, or a shuffling gait that increases your risk of tripping and losing your balance. We’ll do a thorough evaluation to determine what aspect of your balance is most affected, and then during our sessions we’ll help you flex your “balance muscle” with the ultimate goal of reducing your risk of falls and enhancing safety.

  2. PostureParkinson’s commonly leads to a forward-head and closed-shoulder posture that can inhibit breathing, cause pain, and a host of other secondary issues. We work with you to improve your posture through various movements, exercises, and education.

  3. Strength: Muscle weakness is common, but it can be addressed through targeted strength training exercises depending on where you are lacking. Strengthening programs are great because they can help your balance, walking, and many other areas of your life.

  4. Flexibility: Stiffness and rigidity are hallmark symptoms of Parkinson’s, often creating discomfort and worsening posture. We can help you with flexibility exercises and stretches aimed to increase your range of motion and reduce stiffness, improving overall mobility and comfort.

  5. Endurance: Parkinson’s can make it hard to get moving, so you move less, and then get out of shape, and your endurance starts declining.  With a PT plan of care specific to you, we can help improve your endurance so you can engage in more daily activities with greater ease and energy. With better endurance, you can walk further.  We’ll challenge you in order to optimize your progress, with methods such as monitoring your heart rate to ensure you are working within an appropriate range.

…and we do all of this while stimulating your brain!

All of the above aspects of mobility can be trained and challenged with a style and intensity that stimulate parts of your brain related to dopamine (the neurotransmitter that is affected with Parkinson’s disease). Examples of medication you might be taking that help these dopaminergic systems include Carbidopa and Levodopa, which work together to essentially replace the missing dopamine, ultimately allowing you to move better.

No, physical therapy does not directly replace dopamine like Carbidopa/Levodopa can. However, some research suggests that doing certain types of exercises at the right intensity can lead to exercise-induced dopamine releaseor can at least cause stimulation of the dopaminergic systemsThis is accomplished by doing movements and exercises that are fun and engaging while completing them at the proper intensity, which can stimulate your dopaminergic systems and ultimately improve your mobility. We help you achieve the proper intensity by monitoring your heart rate and ensuring you achieve the proper zone. .

Including Loved Ones In Your Care

We understand that Parkinson’s can not only be hard on you, but it can also cause tension and frustration with your significant other, family, and friends. We encourage you to include your closest people in our therapy sessions, because often times it only takes a small amount of education to make a huge difference in both your life and your loved one’s lives.

At Mobile Physio, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your journey. Together, we’ll empower you to take control of your Parkinson’s and live life to the fullest.

Sit-To-Stands with Dr. Lockwood's Grandfather

Sit-To-Stands are one of the best exercises you can do for strength and balance. Terry has Parkinson’s, and here he is getting his daily reps in with the coaching of Dr. Lockwood’s mother Teresa! 

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